Friday, October 25, 2019

Problems Associated with the Advent of Computers :: Technology

The emergence of computers in today’s society has completed revamped lives across the globe. Even at home, computers are opening a whole new world to individuals. Even small children have grasped this phenomenon and have learned to â€Å"surf† the web. Personally, computers have made my life 110 percent easier and efficient. Almost every paper, project, or any type of school work requires that I use a computer in some way in order to complete the work. Apart from work, the computer also lets me entertain myself with music, websites, and varies other programs. In the workplace, computers have made business a thing of beauty with easy and smooth money transactions and fast communication between companies. Although computers are making worker’s lives easier, there are 3 problems that maybe encountered in the future: lower skilled workers maybe phased out, companies can easily replace individual workers, and workplace surveillance may rise considerably. With computers ruling the workplace, employees must be prepared to handle and manage this hi speed form of work. In the past, low skilled (when it comes to computers), blue collar workers were necessary to carry out the duties of a firm or business to keep everything running smoothly. As computers began to infiltrate the business world, more skilled workers in the field of computers were in higher demand to work these machines. Individuals coming out of college with only a few skills are now setting themselves up for a limited number of positions in the business world. This division between high-tech skills workers and low-status workers can possibly cause huge debates regarding wages, benefits, and working hours. Of course, high-skilled workers would seem as the most likely to have better benefits and wages, but one must keep in mind that there is a need for reliable, blue-collar workers that can do the dirty work for a company. With companies and businesses around the world being able to communicate and interact so easily, the workplace has drastically changed. It is rare for a company to entirely manufacture a certain product in its own facility. Companies work as a team to put together products or to organize certain aspects of the product. One company in Canada may draw up the plans for a product. Then the ideas are shipped to Japan to be analyzed. Once they approve, it is then sent to Detroit for the parts to be made.

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